Digitizing History: Palestine Broadcasting Service, 1936-1948

Religious Affairs:The Sabbath

"...Broadcasting will be directed for the advantage of all classes of all communities. Its main object will be the spread of knowledge and of culture nor, I can assure you, will the claims of religion be neglected..."
Quoting the High Commissioner Arthur Wauchope from his keynote address at the inauguration of the Ramallah Radio Transmitter, March 30, 1936.

Ephraim Goldstein

Friday, December 16, 1938
7:30 PM: Bible Reading, by Ephraim Goldstein
Genesis Chapter 40 Verses 1-23
Amos Chapter 2 Verses 1-16

Saturday, December 17, 1938
1:40 PM: Sabbath Songs, by Ephraim Goldstein
Queen Sabbath ....... (H.N. Bialik - P. Minkovsky)
Peace to you, Holy Angels.... (traditional)
Receiving Sabbath .... (Levin Kipnis - P. Grinspun)
The Seventh Day... (traditional)
Sabbath and Israel ..... (traditional)
Rejoice with God's Kingdom ... (traditional)
(PBS Recording)

7:30 PM: The Blessing of Lights (Chanukah candles)

7:33 PM: Pancakes of the Candle Feast. Served up by PBS Artists

8:15 PM The Feast of Lights, a talk on the rites and customs, by Michal Rabinovitz