Elementary Colloquial Arabic (Series II) : Lesson 16

Presented by T. A. Farah in collaboration with Jerusalem Radio, broadcast by the Palestine Broadcasting Service (PBS)
Tuesday, October 3, 1939, at 5:15 pm

photo of synopsis of Lesson 16 as appears in Jerusalem Radio, Vol 2, No. 40, 1939, p 9 This is the synopsis of the sixteenth lesson in Elementary Colloquial Arabic, which will be broadcast on Tuesday, October 3, at 5:15 pm by the P.B.S.

Adjectives: Paragraph I The commonest forms of adjectives are three: A Big, Old; Small, little; Beautiful; Good, Well; Gentle Kind
Happy; Rich ; Poor; Few, Little; Honest

To be big ; to become small; to be poor; to be rich; to be few, etc.

Angry; Tired; Joyful; Thirsty; Lazy; sick, ill; (for persons only: cold; warm)

Note: The adjective is placed after the noun which it qualifies, and agrees with it in gender, number and definition.

The above is the masculine form of the adjective, the Feminine is formed by adding the Feminine sign.

C The third form has an Alif prefixed to the radical letters as:

Exercise XI

Translate the following into Arabic or English as the case requires. 1. Good Morning (male) are you well today? Praise to God, am very well, thank you.

2. Will you, please, take this chair to my mother?
No, I can not take it, I am ill.
3. Who is the man who was with you last night (yesterday in the night).
4. What do they do there? They write to their mother.