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Got a place in ''baggage room'' which was officially the worst place but got quite ''comfortable'' after a few days in it. Still a lot of seasickness cases. Have only got my small case with a change of linen. I hope we get some warmer clothing in the country we are supposed to go to. Food gets more and more. Polish cooks Well cooked food. Smaller navalboats have left us. We stay behind the other two ships. Are accompanied by small cruisers. People are getting used to the sea. Seasickness gets less and less. Only entertainment by radiogram. Always the same records. Guards mostly very codially. Yet P.O.W.s get better diet and we are believed to be more comfortable off. Being very misty and cold. You wouldn't think its mid-July. Still misty. Horn blows monotones in regular intervals. Having only a place ????? but am glad I have got them back. Still without news since internment. Made a stop at St.John harbour. New Foundland from early morning till noon. Rocky countryside. No treesvery bare looking. Some rowing boats are around us to admire our ship. Singing on forecastle in the evening. Be a refugee and see the world.. Travel about by bus, train and boat without paying a penny. Isn't it magnificant ? Believe we can do without it and lead a secure life. Beautiful sunset. On River St. Lawrence. Getting near the coast. See houses, fields, woods, get near civilization. Take officer on board from Canadian coastal vessel. Strong winds. Variety night can't take place because of rain. - Landed at Quebec(?) Moved from boat into train Canadian Pacific Railway. We are really on Canadian soil. Guards are tough and sunburnt looking. All smiling faces. They get lemonade drink by salvation army officials . It is a funny feeling sitting in a train you have admired only in the pictures before perhaps 8 weeks ago. Getting lunch in cardbox ??? sausage, cheese, cucumber and an orange. Were marched through small French town Trois Rivieres after leaving train to internment camp. Barbed wire looks the same as Isle of Man. German Civil Prisoners greet us with the beautiful song 'Wenn's das Judenblut vom Messer spritzt'' Have to go to Canada to get this reception. Must it be to be put together with those people again and again? and even classed in the same group because authorities seeme not to be correctly informed about our position when will this state be brought to an end? Shall we get useful work to do or move about more freely? Because this doesn't let nothing must come to an end. - Friday July 19, 1949Today German prisoners were moved out. Hope we get more space, freedom, and food. People who had to sleep in a big arena are moved into the building formerly occupied by the Germans. We take the kitchen over. Things start to get organized a little. It is pretty hot
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