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Mood is terribly distressed in the camp. No news allowed. Telegrams are sent by score but with small results. Uncertainty produces more and more rumours about our fate. House meetings are held nearly every day to give report about current affairs and to hear opinions and proposalsto get to us something about our fate. Memoranda and letters are being made and sent to privileged individuals and ministries. In the meantime we are allowed at least to bathing or for a walk in groups at rationed time. I am going to lectures again to pass the time. Have neither got a letter nor a parcel yet. - Letters sent by our committees seem to have little success. Our man speaking for the refugees in House of Lords is shouted down by great ''democratic patriots'' ''Intern them all'' for protection and democracy. It looks bad for us. A few get released. some are sent back again. Lists are made for any purpose whatsoever. New lists are made age groups 20-30 and 16-19/ 30-40 No details available. Great anxiety. New Rumours Mo information about purpose of lists yet. Rumours about Transport overseas. Age group 20/30 leaves the camp. Order came in the morning. They pass camp under cheers to march to Quay. What will happen to other groups? Order of the day group 16/19 30/40 packs up and gets ready to leave Being kept in large concert hall till all formalities are finished get documents back. Thursday, July 4, 1940: Money taken again Save them my shilling I just got from relief fund. 10:00 am Ready to march to the boat. Where to? Leave port Douglas at noon in direction towards Scotland. Beautiful day. Hope to the change. Have a last view of Bonnie old Scotland. 5:00 left the Clyde on boat Sobiesky Convoy of 3 liners Pilsudsky, Empress of Australia, and Sobiesky (under Polish flag and crew) several naval boats for our safety. small cruisers and destroyers - Most people on board seasick. |
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