PBS Hagalgal cover page vol 2, No. 1

Digitizing History: Palestine Broadcasting Service, 1936-1948

under construction

Palestine Broadcasting Service: The Early Years

Inauguration of the new Palestine Broadcasting Service transmitter station in Ramallah, March 30, 1936. The British High Commisioner Sir Arthur Wauchope is seen addressing the invited audience. David Ben-Gurion, head of the Jewish Agency from 1935, and later president of the Jewish Agency Executive, the de facto leader of the Jewish community in Palestine, was invited to the opening ceremony. However, he was not invited to deliver a speech. That honor went to Dr. Avraham Katznelson. Katznelson was a member of the Va'ad Leumi (Jewish National Council), and of the General Labour Federation. He addressed the audience in Hebrew as a member of PBS's Programmes Advisory Committee. Unconfirmed: Ben-Gurion sitting in front row sitting next to his wife, Paula, circled in red. Photo from Library of Congress. Call No. LC-M33- 7360 [P&P]

Schedule of Inauguration of the Palestine Broadcasting Service, March 30, 1936 (multimedia)

Before the Broadcasting: Notable Emissions from Jerusalem, Palestine Post, March 30, 1936

Wireless Programmes: September 8, 1938

Radio Programs produced for Palestine Broadcasting Service (PBS), in English, by May Weissenberg, 1937-1939

Explosion at the Palestine Broadcasting Service Studio, August 2, 1939

Let's Speak English, by the Brighter English League

צור קשר: lesliesmith466@gmail.com